Certified, Licensed & Insured Home Inspector.
We offer professional home inspections for existing home sellers and new home buyers and commercial property inspections. Our complete onsite home or commercial property inspection comes with electronic report. We start by inspecting your structure & exterior to make sure the building is sound. The plumbing & electricity so their are no surprises. The roof and gutters to make sure your home is safe from the weather elements. The HVAC, Insulation & attic to make sure your home will be heated and cooled properly. To complete the on site inspection, we inspect the interior and built-in kitchen appliances.
The on site inspection information is then used to create your home inspection report. A user friendly report that can be accessed by you on HomeGauge Cloud. A report that comes with comments and pictures of any material defects or safety items found.
Your home inspection report will be available for your viewing within 24 hours of my leaving the home inspection site. The report can be viewed at any time, from any where. It can be saved to your computer, printed or forwarded by you, to anyone of your choosing at any time.